Friday, September 24, 2010

Website Promotion Exposure Through Trade Journals

By Anne Marie Baugh

For instance if you are a web designer begin cultivating relationships through specific industries such as the gourmet food industry, private pilot industry, etc. Every single business has its trade organizations and publications for which they stay on top of their own trends. Break into these arenas and you will find rich resources for building your sales.

Begin by deciding which arenas you can be most effective. For instance if you are a search engine doctor it is certainly possible to work with anyone coming online. However, if you have a certain love of animals, a natural connection will be made through the pet industry. These industries have publications that are read by these types of business owners. Begin targeting these publications for advertising, article submissions, etc. By speaking their language and sharing their passion, you will have an instant connection.

Set yourself up as the expert in the niche industry of your choice. Look for publicity avenues that might be available through those trades. It is often much easier to get recognized in a trade than it is in a mainstream publication. Trades are constantly looking for content that will educate and inspire their business readers. Keep in mind when pitching that you are indeed speaking to business people and not the average consumer off the street. This means that your approach must be more sophisticated and educational. It is vital that you provide content that will make a significant difference in their everyday business ventures.

Create a specialized press kit that targets each niche trade publication and will speak "their" language. Make one-page pitches to the editors with a follow up call in about one week. Be polite and helpful. Offer your expertise and don't be afraid to share trade secrets. It will endear you to the editor and create more opportunities to get you into print. The fact is that some readers will take your trade secrets and actually use them, but the majority will be dazzled by your knowledge and choose to hire you to do the work. Most business owners recognize that they cannot do everything and wise one stick with what they do best and hire experts to do the rest. So become the expert they cannot do without. What do experts have? Knowledge and visibility.

Trade journals are the most overlooked publicity avenue in the business. This creates a dynamic opportunity for you to make a big impact and bring in mega loads of business while increasing your media attention.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Hari Terakhir Puasa

Hari ni terakhir puasa. Suamiku suruh juga aku balik kampung. Dia tak nak ada isu dengan keluargaku pasal tak balik beraya ni. Dia awal-awal lagi kata tak dapat balik. Kena urus surau belakang rumah tu. Baru je ambil alih sepenuhnya jun tahun ni. Tu yang sibuk semacam. Sejak dia jadi su surau ni, sibuknya semacam. Malah lebih sibuk dari urus bisnes kami lagi.

Hari ni aku buka puasa kat KFC sorang-sorang. Tapi kat sini ramai la yang datang buka puasa :).

Ini dalam misi nak balik kampung. Lepas asar tadi cik abang hantar ke Hentian Putra. Dia hantar aku awal-awal kerana malam ni dia ada program di kampungnya. Macam jauh je bunyi 'kampung' tu :). Kampungnya di pinggir KL, so aku ni kira dah jadi orang KL la. Ni balik cuti beraya di kampung dan suami ku beraya di kampungnya. Hehehe...

Bas malam ni pkl 9.00 malam. Tapi tak tahu macam mana musim raya ni, lambat atau on time bas ni. Aku ready je awal-awal. Sebenarnya ini kali pertama aku balik raya malam raya. Sebelum ni (masa bujang dulu)aku akan balik 5-7 hari awal. Dah kahwin lain ceritanya. Raya kedua baru bertolak balik kampungku nun jauh di pantai timur. Dan inilah kali pertama sejak kahwin balik sorang-sorang. Ini pun sebab adikku nak bertunang raya kedua ni.

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri

Dah lamanya tak menulis. Macam-macam ujian bulan puasa ni. Hingga saat nak balik raya pun masih dalam kemelut masalah. Inilah hidupkan. Ada masa kita diatas, tapi kerap kali dibawah.

Sejak berniaga sediri ni, ujian Allah sangat kuat. Rasa dah tak terdaya. Tapi aku selalu ingat yang semua ujian tu Tuhan beri supaya aku terus menerus bergantung dan berharap padaNya. Kasih sayang Allah itu tak terbatas. Walau dah segunung dosa kita, tapi rezekiNya masih tetap sampai. Kadang-kadang pertolonganNya datang tak kita jangka, dari sudut yang tak disangka-sangka pulak tu.