There are many ways to market a product or a service and providing the potential clients and customers with testimonials is one of the best ways to market.
The power of testimonials can never be underestimated. People, especially nowadays, will only purchase products or avail services which have been referred to them by people whom they know. But most of the times, this is not an option that is in the hands of the business owner, he has to do the next best thing, which is to get testimonials from his past clients.
Testimonials are living statements from past customers or clients which states that they were satisfied by the product/ service. Every business must have testimonials to be able to stand out in the ever crowded markets.
There are many benefits of having testimonials. Here are some of them.
Testimonials appease the target market
Testimonials usually lessen the doubts of the target market. There are a lot of scammers and con artists nowadays, and this has turned the market into a fearsome one. Credible testimonials provide security to the people who are eyeing at a certain product or service. The provision of testimonials gives people a much more relaxed attitude towards a product or service.
Testimonials assure quality
Aside from confirming the existence of a business and lessening doubts, testimonials provide assurance to potential customers and clients of the quality of the product or service. The fact that they took time out to be able to write testimonials about the product reflect their levels of satisfaction towards the product/service.
Testimonials give advantage
Credible testimonials provide a competitive advantage for the product/service. There are many products and services out there and one of the ways to stand out from the rest is the use of credible testimonials.
There are many types of testimonials. Testimonials are usually categorized according to the source. Here are a few examples:
a) Testimonials from satisfied customers
This is probably the most effective type of testimonial. Nothing beats a testimonial from a satisfied customer because it is a picture of what the product/service is all about.
b) Testimonials from experts
Experts can be credible sources of testimonials. If a renowned dermatologist writes a testimonial for a beauty soap, it will surely help in boosting its sales, wouldn't it?
c) Testimonials from celebrities
In a world that is run by mass media, celebrities have become powerful sources of testimonials. Today, even infomercials are infested by testimonials from celebrities.
People may think that getting testimonials from celebrities will cost a lot, but if it's a real testimonial, celebrities may even waive their talent fees.
There is much more to making a testimonial an effective tool for marketing than gathering them. Good testimonials are the ones which can be compressed into a few catchy words. "I lost 20 pounds in two weeks time!" is an example of an eye-catching testimonial. However, one must never rephrase or edit what the client had said. How to get the right kinds of testimonials will be discussed later.
Credible testimonials should also contain the complete attributes of the people who gave them. Their titles, location and age should be included whenever possible.
Visual appeal will also be a great help in using testimonials. If the clients are willing, one must insist in taking photographs or videos for their testimonials.
So how does a business owner get started with the whole testimonial thing?
Here are some steps on how to archive testimonials.
1. Before anything else, only products/ services with outstanding quality deserve testimonials, so one must make sure that his product/service possesses exceptional quality.
2. Ask the help of your customers. One must be able to communicate to his customers his need of getting their testimonials. If they are really satisfied with the product/service, they would be more than willing to participate.
3. Interview your customers. Ask them about what they like about your product/service, why they chose your product and other questions like these.
4. Ask them if they are willing to make a written testimonial. You can offer to make the testimonial yourself based on their responses during the interview but the testimonial is still up for their approval. You might want to make the wordings catchy and let them approve the testimonials.
5. Ask them if you could record the testimonial using a tape recorder or video cam. A video testimonial is better, but of course, many people are camera-shy and this can be a limited option for most.
6. Choose the best testimonials. Use the best ones so as to maximize the benefits that your product can get from the testimonials.
Testimonials are very powerful and this is the reason why every business should have them. They provide assurance and security and reflect the real essence of a product or a service.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Aktiviti Pagi Hari Di Stesyen Bas KB

Prebet sapu sedang cari pelanggan... Melihat mereka pagi tu, aku jadi menyesal kerana meminta keluargaku datang jemput di KB. Apalah salahnya menggunakan khidmat mereka? Antara mengejutkan keluarga dipagi hari dengan menggunakan prebet sapu untuk sampai ke tempat dituju mana lebih mulia?
Aku pernah naik prebet sapu dari KB ke kampungku, harga pakcik tu caj RM20.00 dengan jarak lebih 12km. Itu dah 5 6 tahun lepas la...

Jenuh mencari nama bunga ni.... Pokoknya aku taman sebelum kahwin lagi. Inilah kali pertama aku tengok ia berbunga. Tak pasti la kali ke berapa ia berbunga, coz aku dok KL, pokok bunga ni aku taman kat kampung..
Ini bunga CEMPAKA...yang Allah teruknya aku, selalu sebut nama bunga ni . yalah yang aku tahu cempaka yang kelopaknya pangjang je, warna putih @ oren. Yang ni aku tak pasti cempaka apa...tapi orang putih panggil MAGNOLIA COCO... Oooo ini lah bunga magnolia, aku tahu ais krim magnolia je :)
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Stretching Pagi-Pagi
Hi semua, Assalamualaikum dan Salam Sejahtera....
Masa bujang dulu (bunyi macam dah lama je...) selalu buat dok amal stretching lepas bangun tido. Kesannya sangat hebat, seharian tu kita lebih cergas. Kalau tak nak buat stretching , masa solat subuh tu, rukuk dan sujud dengan lama. Anda akan rasa kelainan dalam hari anda. Kepada anda yang tak pernah buat, cuba lah dan rasai sendiri. Buat yang ringkas-ringkas je.... Mula dari kepala turun ke kaki.
Badan kita ni pun macam kereta juga, kena panaskan enjin dulu baru boleh jalan.
Masa bujang dulu (bunyi macam dah lama je...) selalu buat dok amal stretching lepas bangun tido. Kesannya sangat hebat, seharian tu kita lebih cergas. Kalau tak nak buat stretching , masa solat subuh tu, rukuk dan sujud dengan lama. Anda akan rasa kelainan dalam hari anda. Kepada anda yang tak pernah buat, cuba lah dan rasai sendiri. Buat yang ringkas-ringkas je.... Mula dari kepala turun ke kaki.
Badan kita ni pun macam kereta juga, kena panaskan enjin dulu baru boleh jalan.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Bunga Cempaka
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Orang KL ni Beraya Sakan...
Sabtu ahad ramai betul yang buat open house. Juadah tentunya beraneka. Kita pulak nak rasa semua, itu sikit, ini sikit, alih-alih sepinggan penuh juga. Masa makan tu sedapnya tak ingat dunia. Tapi belum sempat esok menjengah, perut dah memulas-mulas. Itulah bahana makan macam-macam. Masam, manis, masin, semua tengah 'bergaduh' kat dalam usus tu...
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